The Benefits of Exterior Capping

The Benefits of Exterior Capping   If you’re lucky enough to own a home with lots of window openings, it’s important that they all look uniform and tidy. Nothing makes an exterior look as unfinished as windows without capping. Every window should be inspected at least once a year to check for signs of wear…

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4 Ways To Know: Should you Repair or Replace Your Windows?

4 Ways To Know: Should you Repair or Replace Your Windows? There are a number of reasons why you might have the window blues. Ugly windows, drafty windows, and foggy windows are some of the most common frustrations that we hear from homeowners in Atlanta. But how do you know when it’s time to actually…

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How You Can Get The Most Comfortable Windows

Most Comfortable Windows

You might think that any kind of replacement window these days will be more energy-efficient and insulating than what you have now. However, the truth is that there is a wide range of factors that you must consider in order to find the most comfortable windows for your home. Here are the characteristics of windows…

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