Are Double Hung Windows Really Secure?

Are Double Hung Windows Really Secure? A burglar always goes for the easiest point of entry first. If all the doors are sturdy and locked, his next option will be your windows. And even if you lock your windows every night, that may not be enough to keep a burglar out. You need to know…

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What’s the Hype with Double-Hung Windows?

Replacement Windows

What’s the hype with double-hung windows?   If you’ve been window-shopping at all, you’ve heard the term “double-hung windows”. They have become the standard window replacement option in the majority of American homes. It’s not hard to see why: simple construction, easy operation, functionality and affordability make double-hung windows a very popular choice.   What…

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10 Signs That the Windows in Your New Home Need to be Replaced

how to tell f you need new windows

10 Signs That the Windows in Your New Home Need to be Replaced   It’s the rare homebuyer who moves into their new residence and finds nothing at all to renovate. Some things are obvious: atrocious wallpaper, rotting decking, or leaking fixtures. But the average person can’t tell the quality of one window from another.…

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4 Ways To Know: Should you Repair or Replace Your Windows?

4 Ways To Know: Should you Repair or Replace Your Windows? There are a number of reasons why you might have the window blues. Ugly windows, drafty windows, and foggy windows are some of the most common frustrations that we hear from homeowners in Atlanta. But how do you know when it’s time to actually…

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How To Find The Right Window Company in Atlanta

Most Comfortable Windows

How To Find The Right Window Company in Atlanta   You’re running through a hazy hall of mirrors. Every direction you turn, you see more glass, more reflections of yourself looking confused and lost. The maze seems endless, and all you want is to find the right path to the exit. This is most people…

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